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10 - 12 December  2024
New Cairo - Egypt International Exhibition Center

Waters for


The renewable water resources in the MENA region are among the lowest globally. Most MENA countries face a chronic imbalance between available water supply and increasing water demand. This imbalance is expected to worsen due to rapid population growth, economic development, and climate change unless substantial measures are implemented to augment water supply and manage demand effectively. Water scarcity in the Middle East is primarily driven by natural factors such as limited rainfall and high temperatures, as well as human activities including the overexploitation of groundwater and inefficient irrigation practices.

Groundwater, a critical water source in the region, is being depleted at an alarming rate. Climate change exacerbates the situation by increasing the frequency and severity of droughts. Concerns about dams and their impact on water flow are also prevalent, and many existing desalination plants face technical issues that require maintenance and upgrades, particularly as they approach the end of their operational lifespan.

In response to these challenges, many Arab countries are strategically advancing towards water desalination and wastewater reuse as essential solutions to meet their growing water demands. Consequently, the desalination and reuse sectors have become vital industries in the region, underscoring the need to explore their technological, economic, and operational aspects. Environmental considerations play a crucial role in shaping water desalination and reuse processes, highlighting the importance of learning from past experiences to strengthen and revitalize these critical sectors.

Desalination and water reuse are key to addressing global water scarcity challenges in the near future, emphasizing their crucial role in ensuring sustainable water resources for the 21st century. The Regional Water Desalination  Conference (ARWADEX) serves as a leading platform for presenting research and facilitating the exchange of valuable experiences and knowledge among experts in the field. It also aims to enhance and strengthen research collaboration and technical development between research institutions and organizations in the Arab region and beyond.
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TSG Exicon
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